The Austen Chamberlain Diary Letters
Austen Chamberlain
Not Available
Seventeenth-Century Political and Financial Papers
Royal Historical Society Great Britain
The Journal of John Wodehouse First Earl of Kimberley, 1862–1902
John Wodehouse
Fleet Street, Press Barons and Politics
N J Crowson
N J University of Birmingham Crowson
Newsletters from the Archpresbyterate of George Birkhead
George Birkhead
Parliament and Politics in the Age of Churchill and Attlee
Stuart University of Leicester Ball
The Remembrances of Elizabeth Freke 1671–1714
Raymond A University of Connecticut Anselment
Travel, Trade and Power in the Atlantic, 1765–1884
Betty University of Cambridge Wood
The Letters of Arnold Stephenson Rowntree to Mary Katherine Rowntree
Arnold Stephenson Rowntree and 2 more
British Envoys to Germany 1816–1866: Volume 2, 1830–1847
Markus German Historical Institute Mösslang
Lollards of Coventry, 1486–1522
Shannon Concordia University and 1 more
Appeasement and All Souls
Sidney University of Toronto Aster
Foreign Intelligence and Information in Elizabethan England: Volume 25
David University of Kent and 1 more
British Envoys to Germany 1816-1866
Markus Mosslang and 2 more
Debating the Hundred Years War: Volume 29
Craig University of York Taylor
Religion, Politics, and Society in Sixteenth-Century England
Simon University of Strathclyde Adams and 2 more
'The Affairs of Others': Volume 30
James A University of Wisconsin and 1 more
The Correspondence of Henry Cromwell, 1655–1659
Peter University of Chester Gaunt
Dublin Castle and the First Home Rule Crisis: Volume 33
Stephen University of London Ball
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Gordon University of Northern British Columbia Martel
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John Rastrick and 2 more
Seventeenth-Century Parliamentary and Financial Papers
David R Rhode Island School of Design Ransome and 2 more
The Political Diaries of the Fourth Earl of Carnarvon, 1857–1890: Volume 35
Peter Gordon
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Humayun Royal Holloway and 1 more
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Thomas Juxon
The Plumpton Letters and Papers
Joan Kirby
The Papers of the Hothams, Governors of Hull during the Civil War
Andrew University of Leicester Hopper
A Monastic Community in Local Society: The Beauchief Abbey Cartulary
David University of Sheffield Hey
Documents on Conservative Foreign Policy, 1852–1878
Geoff University of East Anglia Hicks
The Diary of Robert Woodford, 1637–1641
John Fielding
Observing Vatican II
Andrew Chandler
The Letters of Lady Anne Bacon
Gemma University of Oxford Allen
A Knight of Malta at the Court of Elizabeth I
H Kumarasingham
The Acts and Letters of the Marshal Family
David University of Hull Crouch
Papal Authority and the Limits of the Law in Tudor England
Peter D Clarke and 1 more
Parliament and Politics in the Age of Asquith and Lloyd George
Andrew University of Exeter Thorpe
Diplomatic Intelligence on the Holy Roman Empire and Denmark during the Reigns of Elizabeth I and James VI
David Scott University of Nottingham Gehring
British Envoys to the Kaiserreich, 1871–1897: Volume 1, 1871-1883
Markus Mösslang
Early Common Petitions in the English Parliament, c.1290–c.1420
W Mark University of York Ormrod
The Letters of Lord Burghley, William Cecil, to His Son Sir Robert Cecil, 1593–1598
William Huron University College and 1 more
Henry Piers's Continental Travels, 1595–1598
SJ and 1 more
An Account of an Elizabethan Family: Volume 55
Jo Ann Moran Georgetown University and 1 more
British Envoys to the Kaiserreich, 1871–1897: Volume 2, 1884-1897
The Rise of Labour and the Fall of Empire
H University of Edinburgh Kumarasingham
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Sara El Gaddari
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The Papers of John Hatsell, Clerk of the House of Commons
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British Financial Diplomacy With North America 1944-1946
Michael F Hopkins
La Prinse Et Mort Du Roy Richart d'Angleterre, Based on British Library MS Harley 1319, and Other Works by Jehan Creton
Jean Creton
The Last Days of English Tangier
John Childs
Allen Leeper's Letters Home, 1908-1912
A W A Leeper